Friday, May 6, 2016

Wild Women Don't Get The Blues - Finished quilt

I spent the end of my holidays (last week) quilting in preference to any other artistic pursuits and I am so happy to report that I got my quilt finished!
I started it in a class with Karen K. Stone on 31st January last year. Here are a few photos of its progress, and you can read more in all the posts HERE.
Once I free-motioned the centre blocks, I needed lots of different ideas for quilting the triangles, so I made myself a wee sheet of ideas - if you can draw it without lifting your pen off the paper, you can free-motion quilt it
My quilting threads were a plain light pink rayon (no brand noted sorry) which I used for the light triangles and in my bobbin - and the gorgeous variegated which is a Victory Rayon called Provence (these threads are available HERE in Aus - and HERE in NZ). Here are some close-ups of my block free-motion design stitching - click on any photo to see it larger

And when it came to binding, I decided to keep it colourful with the same feature fabric from the centres
And finally - here's the full reveal :
Now I'm ready for a new quilt project....determined not to spend 15 months on the next one! But first, I've got a lovely Play Day with friends tomorrow, and Mother's Day on Sunday, so I'll talk to you again next week. Happy creative weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I can not even imagine how much work went into this! Loving the fabric you used and the patterns you created. This could be a family heirloom!


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