Saturday, April 23, 2016

This leads to and art journal pages

Thankfully, even when I'm feeling sad or dealing with challenges in my life, art is always there, and I seem to be able to do at least a little to keep me going. This past week, I found that the little things I did were able to inspire me with other pieces. I shared my layered art journal page from Life Book with Rae Missigman in my previous post. This is an early progress shot from that page
In one of the background layers you can see some yellow that was through one of my favourite stencils. Knowing I had cards to make, I cleaned the stencil off on some card backgrounds. With a couple of them I thought it would be fun to spray over a feather
The one on the left is a print made while the feather was still wet. 
Also on that journal page were those pink flowers which I was also able to add to my daily journal page, and a couple of other cards 
I was wondering what to add as another layer to my feather cards - decided that purple would be a good addition, and that got added through some lace to all of the cards
and happily the treatment also unblocked my journal page (see previous post for the finished page)
I tried to get a print off the wet ink on another daily journal page but that didn't work, so I spread the ink with a wipe, and then sprayed again with white spray for a different look
I'm happy to report that I went on to complete all 4 cards
Wishing you a happily creative weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful cards, Lynette! I like how you multitasked those stencils and lace and played with the feather. I've just collected a few feathers myself, but I never thought of using them as a mask with spray inks! You've got a nice print with it too. Hope you have a happier week to look forward to. Art is definitely therapeutic and helps us overcome difficulties and rough patches. I don't know where I would be without it!


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