Thursday, December 31, 2015

The End of Life Book 2015

We've reached the end of Life Book 2015. It was my first year at this, and I am so happy with what I've achieved.
In the last lesson, Tam provides instruction for different ways to bind all your loose pages into a book. I bound loose pages when I did my stitched paper daily art journal last year, and was going to use my same method of making book page hinges
Read about my whole process HERE. However, when it came to it, I decided that it's nice to keep the loose pages together in the fabric folder that I made to hold them at the beginning of the year.
This means I can still take them out and display them for inspiration
and the full folder fits just fine on my shelf of completed journals.
I created a Flickr album for all this year's projects HERE. This photo mosaic gives you a preview (make your own photo mosaic HERE
Go HERE to read all my posts about Life Book 2015.
It's been fabulous. A year of creative development and joy, as well as personal growth. I am so looking forward to what Life Book 2016 has in store - go HERE to find out more
....might see you there :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a great & beautiful list! Love all your journals together on a shelf, so pretty.

    Happy new creative year!


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