Friday, January 1, 2016

My 2015 Ta Da! list

Woke up in New Zealand to sunshine and roses. Hope you have a 2016 that is full of love and laughter and creative joy. This rose is in my garden - called Double Delight. I wish that for you this year
Before I look towards creativity in 2016, I want to take a moment to celebrate and share my completed projects for 2015 (as suggested by Michelle Ward). I've separated them into paper projects, quilt/fabric creations, and other fun things.
First up was my Paper Stitched Daily Journal which I finished on 2nd January
And then a week later my Full Tilt Boogie Journal was finally full
In February I was back to work at school with a new diary
And then I was able to get on with my 2 main art journal projects for the year - Documented Life and Life Book 2015...
I chose a word for my year which was NOURISH - it appeared in a lot of my art over the year.
This was my first page for Documented Life :
Posted January 7th
and here's that journal now completed :
This was my first main lesson for Life Book :
Posted January 11th
and here's what I created from that class through the year (see my previous post)
This next one is a cover created for the notebook I will be using for notes for Life Book 2016. I haven't actually blogged it yet, but since I made it on the last day of 2015 it has to be shared here :-)
My other main focus for this year was to be quilts. I started the year by attending 2 classes with Karen K Stone in the last weekend of Jan/beginning of Feb. I kept my "On A Lark" piece small, and it became the holder for my Life Book lessons above :
Fabric Folder : posted February 20th
In March, my niece turned 21 and gave me a good reason to finish another quilt
Mystery quilt finished for 21st : March
Not a quilt, but made with some of my fabric stash - I was really happy with how this wrap skirt turned out :
Blogged in May
At the end of May, I was really REALLY excited to get a new Janome 8200 QC sewing machine :
"Wild Women don't get the blues" was the other quilt class that I took with Karen K. Stone at the end of January. In June, I started my "Spiked-border-a-day" project in an attempt to make some progress...I now have a finished quilt top ready to quilt over the holidays
Quilt top completed October

I also made time for various other small projects through the year. In March, a friend had her birthday and I turned a wooden word into a piece of wall art.
LOVE : posted March 2015

Then it was winter, and I fancied a knitted headband
 posted June 2015
In June I also had my birthday, and celebrated with a playday with friends. We made collages inspired by the work of Anne Brookes - another tick off my wish list :-)
Blogged HERE
In August I had another friend with a birthday, and I enjoyed creating LOVE (above) so much, she got JOY
Blogged HERE
In September, I was asked if I would like to teach a short (2 hour) art class for our local library's local history week. This was my sample :
Class details HERE.
I've continued to make birthday cards like these :
Blogged my method HERE
And my school librarians received handmade bookmarks from me as a thank you for the year
Blogged my method HERE
Then it was Christmas time :
Batch 1 HERE
Batch 2 HERE
So when compared to my initial plans, not as many quilts made as I had thought I might, but I am so happy with how I've grown with my art journaling and other mixed media projects and it was such a lovely surprise to be asked to teach :-)
Hope you are celebrating your creative achievements  - it's important to recognise what you've learned and how you are moving forward on your creative journey. 
And now's the time to look ahead to 2016 : What choices are you willing to make so you can create art?
Wishing you Creative Joy in 2016

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynette, I've just joined the Life Book / Life Boat, saw your beautiful painting and came over to see your other works.
    You have as many interests as I do! but you've managed to go further than me and take photo's and continue to blog - I miss blogging, but it also takes time that is used mostly for my painting and knitting.
    Your cards are pretty. I've thought about creating my own cards, but haven't taken time for them yet. I also have a Janome that look a lot like yours. I do less quilting and beading now but enjoy all the textile work.
    You are a great inspiration for my creativity in 2016! thanks :)


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