Wednesday, December 30, 2015

MY 700th POST and the end of DLP 2015

I did my first blog post July 13th 2010 : back then I said "I want to have a diary of my art experiments/projects; a visual record of what I am watching, reading, seeing, thinking. It's called ALL OF ME because I want to record all my experiences - mainly arty, but you'll occasionally read about family stuff too. Hopefully it will help make me more productive, and it will be fun to look back on." It has, and it is :-) I blog for myself : it's useful to have a record of my creative journey and I love that when I think "how did I do that?" my methods, my progress photos and any online inspirations to get me there are all together. As time has gone on, I also blog to inspire you - you don't have to be an expert / a teacher / call yourself an artist to be able to create and enjoy all that brings with it. I share the ugly, the okay, the things I'm proud of, because nobody creates great art all the time - you just need to find some time in your day, keep showing up, experimenting and learning to find your own voice and creative joy in the process.
How fitting that reaching this milestone of 700 blog posts should coincide with another milestone - my final spread in the Documented Life Project 2015 :-)
Saying goodbye to this journal and this year of inspiration, I also want to look forward. It's been a year of exploring faces - something new to me. I thought I'd like to finish with one as I look forward to 2016 and more development in this area. 
On every weekly spread in this journal I've added a journal block - I've included small photos of other projects I've been doing, what I've been reading and watching, noting the good times as the year has progressed. I love that I'll always have this journal to look back on and remember the everyday moments - "the underlying fabric of my life" (challenge words).
Right from the start I planned to journal in her hair. Celebrating my creative journey this year and finishing (as I started) with my word for 2015 on the page.
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE.
And that brings us to the end of DLP 2015! A blank journal transformed :
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and here's a mosaic of all my spreads (create your own mosaic here):
DLP 2016 starts this weekend - it's going to be an unPlanner. Read about that HERE. Of course I'll still be art journaling in 2016.... hope you call in to see what I'm up to.


  1. Thank you for sharing your arty journey throughout this year. It was fun following along with you.

  2. What a wonderful record of the past few years Lynette, and the past year especially. I think the key is, as you said, to keep showing up. I know that some days I don't . . . some WEEKS I don't! And then when I do and I show up almost all day, every day for a brief period. I used to give my self a hard time and think, "I'm enjoying this so much so why don't I do this more often?" Now, I just accept that this s how I work and that's okay.

    Congratulations on all your showing up. And you're so right . . . whether you call yourself an artist doesn't matter at all it just matters that you do it.


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