Friday, August 7, 2015

Week 31 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life Project is HERE. So pleased to see this month's new theme!
I'm still a novice at faces - only been doing it this year - but enjoying the challenge of drawing them, and there are 5 weeks in this month....YAY {happy dance}
Onto the first challenge for August :
 First I did a background - mainly stencilled layers to start
Then I was thinking about what to do for the face. Initially I was thinking about just doing eyes like Jane Davenport's example for this week's challenge HERE, but then remembered that in the Life Book lesson I did with her, she made a photocopy of a face she'd drawn previously. I thought that would be interesting to see how different she could look, so made a copy of my face from Documented Life week 28.
I printed her on photo paper, and I chose to make her smaller than the original. I cut her out and moved her around on the page.
Hard to decide, but eventually I put her on the left-hand page (but further up than in the trial above). Immediately put clear gesso over her so I could alter her colour - clear gesso gives great tooth for paint to grip on.
The printing made her paler than the original - and also changed her green eyes blue which was a bonus. Her placement suggested big blue hair to me, so I started with that and a warmer skin tone.
Next up was to give her hair more interest - loving the white highlights especially (inspired by watching a recent Life Book lesson)
I added white to her brighten her eyes, and some more painted details to her face
Now she looks quite different from the original base.
I also love the new poppy stencil I used for my last journal spread (see previous post) and it also looks quite different with white pen details added
I would have liked to spend more time on this page, but sometimes you just have to accept what is achievable with the time you have. A few more white doodles...
Here's the completed spread : 
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.


  1. I really appreciate your process as I'm new to this form of art. I'm learning a lot. I like your original, but the newest is just sparkly and stunning.

  2. gorgeous page...beautiful background and sweet beautiful face!

  3. Gorgeous girl very pretty hugs Debs xx

  4. What a lovely journal spread this is! I really admire the technique you used for that beautiful blue hair! xx

  5. Oh I love how you changed her up Lynette! How fun! Beautiful.

  6. Love her eyes--they are so happy--and her full lips!

  7. Cool journal piece love the background all the depth :)

  8. Super spread with a beautiful face!!!

  9. Oh wow, what a great idea and a great result! Love it! Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face.


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