Thursday, July 30, 2015

Week 30 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life Project is HERE. If you've been following my weekly take on these challenges, you may have noticed that I've missed last week (29)...for the first time all year I just wasn't inspired to do the last journal page challenge. I think it was partly because I thought I'd already "done" the Photographs and Memories with "all that I have to remember you" in my week 27 challenge HERE. Also I've just been having a bit of down time this month, as explained HERE
So I went ahead, turned the page and just did my journaling for last week before I started this week's challenge
July 25 (Week 30)
Art Challenge: Real Life
Journal Prompt:  At this Moment
I began by writing my thoughts "at this moment" and remembered towards the end that the focus for the month is ephemera
Decided I would like more ephemera, so added some pieces of wrapping paper and some torn pieces of scrap that I glue onto and occasionally wipe paint off stencils
I liked this as a background and went on to apply various paints through one of my lovely new stencils (see my previous post)
The above photo was taken at night to show the dirty stencil next to the page - it's even more delicious once dry the next morning. This shows the proper colours much better :
I then wanted to use my other new stencils since they are most in my mind "at this moment".
The stencil I used above and the feather below are both by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer - the feather can, of course, be used layered, but I just had the feeling I wanted to use it like this for simplicity on this page. The popppy fragment is by Rhonda Palazzari
I don't want to do much more to the page, so I decided to add words to my main feather - click on the photo to see the words more clearly
"In this moment", in "my real life", it is enough for me to create just this. I love the colours, the layers, the stencils, and the lettering. I have neither the time or inclination to do something more complex or BETTER - what does that even mean?!
My reality at the moment is being busy, but still finding time to create. It is enough.
Click on the photo to enjoy the complete spread larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I see what you mean - diary blocks on both sides! Brilliant idea! Love those feather stencils!


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