Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wellington Quilt Show

More quilt inspiration with a day out to Wellington today. With my current quilt top nearing completion, it doesn't hurt to add some more ideas to my list of candidates for "what will I make next?"... This time I attended the Wellington Coast to Coast day out for quilters. There was shopping, and coffee, a guest speaker, a show of quilts and the company of a lovely friend. The sun shone as well - all in all a good day out. I arrived early enough to check out the shopping first and immediately spied some new stencils that had to come home with me
and happily, I also got a couple of extra pieces of fabric that will make my last few blocks a little more special.
The bottom left square is my base feature fabric. Also found a lovely variegated thread that might be useful in the quilting. 
The quilt show and tell section was not large, but I still found quilts to inspire. Unfortunately I haven't been able to credit the makers of these - and some are just tops so even if you click on the photo to see them larger, you won't get to see quilting details. Hope you enjoy seeing these : 
Above : this quilt is not my colours, but I liked the simple block construction and they are big enough pieces to feature lovely fabrics. Would also be interesting to try this block without the sashing....
Below : an old blanket with recycled wool fabrics appliqued on top. A lovely simple idea that looked so effective and snuggly.
Above : the crosses are made of liberty fabrics. Interesting mix with the fabrics she chose for the backgrounds. This would be sweet set on point as kisses x.
Below : a really fun abstract block challenge quilt made by a group. I've also added a detail of this one
Above : another cross quilt with a completely different feeling. Funky gift for a teenager.
Below : lovely masculine graphic quilt - I think designed and made by a man (quilted by his wife)
Above : a simple traditional pattern made special I think by adding blocks in a different scale.
Hope there's something there to inspire you...I am hoping for quilt stitching time tomorrow. How about you?


  1. Perfect new fabrics for your quilt! Glad you had a lovely day out!


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