Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Weeks 32 & 33 : DLP 2015

I've been so busy this past couple of weeks that once again I've decided to combine 2 weeks of Documented Life challenges together.
Beginning by answering the journal prompt :  my biggest challenge is when I have so many things to do that I start to feel overwhelmed, and added to that is the worry that I'm not getting time to make art. My strategies - Breathe and smile - take a moment just to think about what I'm grateful for and remind myself that I always get through these times...and truthfully - I enjoy crazy busy!
Make lists, prioritise tasks, and re-think my expectations - stop doing some things that don't have a deadline. The rose pruning can wait another week - I don't HAVE to do a Documented Life blogpost every much time to I really need to spend on this project to be happy to call it done?
Make art when I can - I could still find 5 minutes in my day to do some spikes for my quilt block borders for my Wild Women quilt. This is the last of my 25 blocks completed!  {happy dance}
Hopefully have a completed quilt top to share before the end of the month....
Onto the challenge : cleaning up paint from another project with a wet wipe and smearing it on these pages was the start of this spread
The blue flower was cleaning paint off my poppy stencil from last week's spread (previous post). I added my weekly journal sections
and that's when I saw my character
Confession - when I was adding the paint for her lips, some dripped on the page. Solution - another wet wipe to smear it around
Loving this - her calm in the storm. This is my "breathe and smile"  strategy. She needed hair - one of my favourite things to do with acrylic paint is to apply it through a stencil
and then I had to let her sit for a couple of days - not sure if I wanted to added anything else.
Decided I did want to add some subtle details, so used my white sharpie paint pen - still sticking with the challenge :-) 
Added some doodles (make art when I can) and calling this spread done (rethink my expectations).
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.
And just for fun, thought you might like to see my creative character from last week - I was Snow White at school finishing a wonderful book week :-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on getting the last block done for your quilt! That must be quite satisfying. I really love this block pattern. The colors you chose are so cheerful. Love the combinations.

    I enjoyed seeing the steps of your project. I was amazed at how much I liked the addition of the white sharpie. It pulled things together so nicely. I have never used a white sharpie. Do they really draw white on top of colors? I am now a fan of that white. doodling. You'll be seeing it show up on my blog before long, if I can remember to go out and get one.

    As always, I was glad I stopped by.


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