Monday, June 15, 2015

Paper & Stitch Collage Play day

I love Anne Brooke's work and wanted to make a collage inspired by her style. I live too far away to take a workshop with her, so this past weekend, 3 of us got together for a play day to see what we could do by ourselves. It was a fantastic day and I came home with an almost finished piece. Here's how mine developed :
Collaged background onto a base of wallpaper.
Lovely batik fabric from my stash makes great flower base
First auditions
By lunchtime, all the main pieces were glued down ready for machine stitching.
After lunch it was time to get out our sewing machines.
Good idea of my friend is to have a small test piece to make sure tension is right and to audition stitches. Because we had 2 layers at least in most places (the bottom layer a piece of wallpaper cut to size) there wasn't any problem with machine stitching through the papers. Although I have my gorgeous new machine for quilting, I am still using my trusty Janome Memory Craft 4000 for stitching paper. 
Finished with the sewing machine
The back view
End of day : 
Click on any photo to see it larger
Thought you might like to see the other pieces before any stitch was added, and at the stage we finished our day.
Our hostess stopped to make lunch and our lovely drinks and snacks through the day but still made good progress. Her dandelion heads will be more obvious once stitched. 
The fox is very cute
Even lovelier with the stitching. The piece is now ready for hand stitched details. 
It especially makes me smile that we can do the "same" project and get such different results - if you know us, you would know these are very indicative of our style.
By the end of the day, I had done some hand stitched x marks and some bar stitches on the edge of the cream paper. 
Yesterday I got some time to add some beading. 
To finish this piece, I wanted it mounted to a canvas. First I added some paper collage to the edges, and then I used super heavy gel medium to fix the art securely.
Although I cut my initial piece of wallpaper to fit the canvas size exactly, I like uneven edges so had lovely overlaps by the time I was done. Really happy with the finished piece


  1. Wow...these are fantastic. Thank you for letting me know about the work you have done. I am so pleased you could 'have a go' on the other side of the world inspired by my technique each piece is beautiful. It also surprises me how everyones work is so unique at every workshop I do. Thank you Anne xx

  2. Sound like you and your friends had a wonderful day together and the collages are all so beautifully made.

  3. I have a couple of friends that I like to have play days with. The work is stunning, you obviously had a fun time. You might enjoy Angie Lewins work for inspiration x

  4. All Fabulous! So happy to be in touch again!


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