Friday, June 12, 2015

LB2015 : What you've missed...

You may be wondering what's been happening with me and Life Book lately. I haven't shared anything since I finished my last challenging project at the beginning of May! 
Be assured, I haven't given up and I still ♥ this experience VERY much. 
So far I've completed 13 full projects which I am very happy with in the first 5 months, especially when I explain about bonus lessons...
The Life Book year is structured with weekly lessons (this is week 24). The main lessons include a video (minimum 30 minutes, often well over an hour in my experience) plus supporting PDF. On alternating weeks, there are "Bonus lessons" which are shorter and less detailed. They may just be for inspiration (a fast forward short video of an artist creating), they may be an artist interview, a meditation or they may be a quick experimental technique. They are timed so we can catch up on some of the more in depth lessons we might want to spend more time on. 
One of the people I've loved listening to was Andrea Schroeder - she had a bonus lesson where she talked about the magic of presence and being in the moment. It was great. She offers a free 10-day journal class called "Give your dreams wings" - I haven't done this yet because of my commitment to other projects at the moment, but please let me know what you think if you do it.
Check out the intro and sign up for "Give your dream wings" HERE.
Get a taste of Andrea Schroeder's style in this post titled "No time for your dreams? Time management is not your problem".
Find out what artist interviews are like by checking out the one Tam did with Jane Davenport in LifeBook 2012 HERE. This year so far we've heard Jenny Doh and at the end of June we'll have Jessica Swift. It's really interesting to hear about how different artists approach their creative process.
I took this course to get out of my comfort zone and try some different ways of making art (eg. faces), because it promised to inspire and nourish my creative soul - and so far it hasn't disappointed. 
There's a huge variety of talented artists on offer through the year. Some I've been watching and enjoy their process, but I don't feel moved to create art from their lesson at this time. Juliette Crane falls into this category for me - you'll get a feel for her process by checking out some of her videos HERE
Art by Juliette Crane
Just a couple of artists have demonstrated techniques I'm already familiar with. I've taken quite a few classes with Alisa Burke. It was great to see her week's lesson about the art of field journaling and drawing feathers with a watercolour background technique. I encourage you to check out her FREE online class called Finding Your Muse which has a similar message, and also to take any of her sketching or doodling classes. She is a generous teacher.
Jessica Swift offered a lesson in hand-carving stamps. Check out some of her stamping here. Again, I've already had a go at this technique - you can see my efforts HERE.
Stamps carved by Jessica Swift
So that's a catch up on what I've been seeing but you've been missing. There are also a few lessons that I want to have a go at, but just haven't been able to find time for yet. I'm currently working on one, so hopefully get that finished to share with you soon.
You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERE.
Hope you can fit some creativity into your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oooo I love all your projects. Making one's own stamps sounds like fun and something I will try one day.


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