Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Week 23 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life Project is HERE. We're into a new month and therefore a new theme for June :  
I really love looking at what art supplies people use, and this week Lorraine Bell included a really lovely video about what she takes in her Traveling Art Kit - check that out HERE. Here's this week's challenge from that theme :
No big travel plans in my future, but I love to go to the beach - it always rejuvenates me. So I started by applying some paint with a wet wipe - one of my favourite techniques for getting down background colour. 
Interesting the colour variation of the same paint on the different kinds of paper in this Dylusions journal - see how the left page is whiter than the right one? I went on to apply some golden brown tonings like sand, and then rolled some white paint on a swirly roller for the effect of white foam of water
I wasn't sure where I wanted to go next, and then I remembered Nichole Rae's list-style journaling from her book which I shared in this post. And I was off....
Here's my list-style journaling - feels like I wrote poetry here :-) 
Click on the photo so you can read it larger
Printed it onto some brown paper through my printer and then tore it and used a finger applicator to get some blue ink along the irregular edge. I really like that effect. For my "illustrative art" part of the challenge I decided to draw some shells and a feather onto watercolour paper - inspired by photos and techniques learned in 2012!
I also figured that a travel page needed a luggage tag
I couldn't resist adding some of the texture techniques we used in last month's challenges, including cheesecloth/scrim 
fabric and stitch (also evidenced in the tag above)
I decided to include a photo of myself at the beach as well, so my spread turned out to include a variety of elements. I think I could use this style in the future for travel journaling.
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Love this.
    Hey I am doing a fabric Journalling course through Kapiti Quilters in a couple of weeks. Can't wait.


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