Wednesday, June 17, 2015

LB2015 : Here's looking at you kid / Unravelling through mark making

At last I have another Life Book project to share - 2 lessons combined in fact! I started with Kristin Van Valkenburgh - creator of Summer of Color 2015. She encouraged us to bring out our "inner child" and play with our art supplies right here in the moment. First we had to write a letter from the perspective of our "little" selves to remind our current "grown" selves about why we create : 
Then we created our first layer on watercolour paper with all the names and nice nicknames we were called as a child
Just to be clear, there's only me and my brother, so "favourite daughter" is all good ;-)
Then we painted using a spatula and 'neutral' palette...given the photo I chose that will also be included, I just HAD to add the neon pink!
You can see in the photo above that we cut a door shape. This was covered with papery bits (I included serviette and washi tape additions)
And then it was time to add some modeling paste. I decided that I would like some modeling paste wings, so I masked underneath where my photo would be, and then used a heart shape to mask off the stencil before applying the paste with a spatula
Here's how it looked after all that was removed
and here's the page with the rest of the modeling paste/stencil additions
Then it was time to add the photo and I decided my page needed stitch all around the edge
Liking my wings, and couldn't resist a stamped heart on my arm.
There needed to be some spontaneous and fun expression behind the door. We had another lesson from Jenny Doh, which came in a later week, but I guess that is one advantage of going back to complete lessons. Her lesson was called "Unravelling through mark making" and was a very spontaneous approach. I wasn't going to do that lesson, but this presented me with an opportunity. I started by scraping colour
Then drippage from ink and I moved it around with the end of a paintbrush
I had a bit much, so printed off onto another piece of card
Once dry, I did some fun - silly - playful doodling. I haven't done anything like these creatures before.
These projects were all about being present, letting go, and allowing your inner child to PLAY! I really had fun.
Click on any photo to see it larger.
You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERE


  1. These pieces of work are amazing and very inspirational. X

  2. Love this! It's so much fun, and I love how it links you as a child and you as your beautiful creative self now!


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