Saturday, October 4, 2014

Art journal page : 63

When I looked at my next base page in my Full Tilt Boogie journal, I found that I had already added an image and tape some time ago
Stage 2
click on any photo to see it larger
I had a lovely chandelier rub-on that I'd had for quite some time - unfortunately when I put it on the page, it didn't all transfer. It sat for a few days and then I had the great idea of adding to it with my small chandelier stamp...
I found that a bit much, so again it sat for a few days. Then one evening I decided that I could add more flowers - more is more!
Was it done? Did it need a word? Yes it did - and although it's an obvious word, I'm happy with this page complete now
You can see all the Full Tilt Boogie journal pages in my Flickr Set

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