Friday, October 3, 2014

The last spread in my Watercolour Calendar Journal.

Seem to be finishing a few things lately! I was glad to get to my last pages in this journal. I crave variety and was starting to have enough of feeling like I "should" be using watercolours. Working in this journal confirmed that I should journal in books with not too many pages so I don't lose interest in my theme before it's all finished...This last spread I started by using wet watercolour crayons on stamps
I like the misty images you get and doodling with a wet crayon is fun too. I saw somewhere that someone had used this drywall joint tape as a nice subtle pattern with watercolour. I stuck it down and added the watercolour
Once lifted off there is a nice subtle pattern
which I then covered up with photos!
click on any photo to see it larger
The second page was the cardboard of the cover, so I glued down some of my lovely inky newsprint that's been lying beneath my art to catch all the overspray and to clean stencils/brushes as I've worked.
No progress photos of this page. Just using pens and photos to capture what I was doing that week.
If you are interested in seeing more about the quilt show go HERE. And that was the end of the journal
but of course the back cover needed some attention. Started by covering it with a layer of gold paint to shine through and give it some glow
Wasn't sure what to do on the back, but thought I might use similar colours and stencils that I used on the front.
The front cover was on Pelmet Vilene (see how I made this cover HERE) so colours behave differently, but there is continuity with the completed back cover
You can see all my watercolour calendar journal pages in my flickr set HERE and links to all the blogposts HERE. They look great together and I've been really happy to work in this journal BUT I'm really excited to share what my new daily journal looks like...

1 comment:

  1. looks like you are having fun! beautiful color combos!!


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