Sunday, October 5, 2014

Another Free Class discovery

When I did "21 secrets 2013", there was one class that made me very inspired but I just didn't manage to do much with, and that was Terri Kahrs' "I have a Secret Journal Workshop"
She demonstrated how to make the journal, creating inspiring backgrounds using gesso, watercolour crayons and pencils and layering techniques, and developing personalised tags, envelopes and notecards. She has a fabulous sense of colour, and a delightful way of presenting. And I have just discovered that she has made this whole workshop available on YouTube FREE!!!!!!!!
There are 10 videos in the workshop, plus some free images in her Flickr set for your personal use. If you want to explore colour, learn how to use your watersoluble crayons and pencils to make wonderful backgrounds, and build pages including collaged imagery and envelopes, you should check this out. There is also a Facebook page with her delightful art including the Documented Life Project pages. This class has been added to my sidebar link to all the cheap and FREE online artful classes I've seen available for this year. Enjoy :-)


  1. Thanks for pointing this out! I didn't get to make the most of this one either although in some ways I'm wondering about the point of paying for something if it's going to turn up free?

  2. This is the only one I've seen free for everyone - don't think this will happen often.

  3. Yes that was a wonderful workshop and I enjoyed Terri's class, but my journal is also unfinished, your journal is fantastic Lynette, glad you found me again.


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