Monday, October 6, 2014

Art journal pages : 64-65

It's school holidays and I'm determined to make progress in my Full Tilt Boogie journal - I made it with too many pages and I just want to get it done! This is not to say that I'm not enjoying the process - I am loving making the pages as I get to them. It's just the thought of how many more there are to do. My first page was made in November 2012 - my goal is to finish this within 2 end of this November.
This was my base page - thought it would be cool to keep at least part of that image. I love Jack Vettriano's work and have an old calendar of his prints. I also love working with flowers and as I played on the page decided that I could make the couple look like they were coming out of the centre of the flower.
Click on any photo to see it larger
Problem - I had already glued my couple down, so when I tried to put them in the flower they tore a bit - looks rough (you can see that if you click on the picture). I also thought they look a bit proportionally too small, so I covered them with a different Vettriano image.
Like this much more. Again, a bit of tearing on the petals, so I added some doodling to disguise that, and once I added that to one petal, I had to balance the flower by doodling on a couple of others. Loving that effect. A couple of words and this one's done.
The opposite page was narrower and already had a paper serviette image glued on
Came across a lovely image in my stash from a book of old nursery rhymes and added the white pen words
Couldn't quite leave it there - some more doodling with the white pen completed this page quite quickly
You can see all the Full Tilt Boogie journal pages in my Flickr Set.


  1. Your work is so amazing! I follow the 'piece o cake' blog and she had your quilt on it. I clicked on your blog spot and I was really blown away! So much talent in one person. I forwarded your information to my daughter who is also an art quilter, beader, designer, fabric dyer, etc,
    I know she'll love your designs and shared resources.
    SD Kidd
    Sioux Falls, SD


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