Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Inspirations for your week

Things in progress, but nothing to share except these flax flowers I made last week.
Really enjoyed trying something new. Here are some lovely bloggy links for you to inspire the middle of your week : 
Ingrid Dijkers has sparked ideas for my art journaling with her doodled ransom-style lettering 
LOVE this storybook gown constructed out of recycled children's golden books
Check out the process photos of this HERE on Facebook
and I am now following the Facebook postings of the Embroiderers' Guild of Victoria 
I am in love with every stitched piece I see by Gentlework
Check out the amazing artistry of Irene Hardwicke Olivieri

"Beloved and Bewildered" by Irene Hardwicke Olivieri
and I just can't get enough of the doodles of Hello Angel
"Big Bunny" by Hello Angel

Now, go and do something creative....

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