Thursday, April 17, 2014

Watercolour Calendar Journaling

You get a whole spread from the journal for the last 2 weeks because it took me a while to get going. Felt a bit blah and only managed Monday last week, and 3 days later I'd only managed this thanks to my gelli plate play that you saw HERE
Then I reminded myself that I'm working in my watercolour journal and started playing with laying down watercolours, pen work and adding a cut-out of the flax flowers made on Friday at school. 
And just like that the page came together.
We got lots of rain this past weekend, so began Monday of this week adding some grey watercolour and splatters....and then the sun came out again on Tuesday :-)
The gelli print that wasn't inspiring me was transformed with some pen work, and I added another line of stitching to the edge of the page that was also highlighted with a little pen treatment.
In the end I didn't have a lot of time to spend on the page this week, but my colourful pens make me happy and my backgrounds will remind me of our very changeable weather this week
And here's a quick pic of the entire spread.
You can see all my calendar journal pages in my flickr set HERE.

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