Friday, April 11, 2014

Combining plates...I'm not in the kitchen!

Recently I got a great deal on this set of 6 rubbing plates.
I didn't actually buy them to do rubbings, although I hope I'll get to that eventually.
I wanted them to use for printing with my gelli plate
When I was watching Creative Jumpstarts at the beginning of the year, Louise Nelson did some very cool videos showing gelli plate printing just using white paint. I have a black-paged journal that needed some base pattern on some pages. 
I brayered white paint onto my gelli plate and pressed down with a rubbing plate to make the pattern impression. First I printed the wet paint left on the plate to a couple of pages
I got 2 prints because of the size of my rubbing plate relative to the size of the page
I then proceeded to print several pages from the gelli plate
Used paper mask to get a nice clear journal space

Paper removed = second print
I applied more pattern, but not more paint
Then kept lifting prints until the plate was clear
This was 3 pulls from the edges of the plate
A couple more plays with white paint
then I wanted to see what metallic paints would look like on the black
Bronze print from rubbing plate
2 pulls from different parts of gelli plate
Gold print from rubbing plate
Gold print from gelli plate
Combination of second pulls from rubbing plate and different area of gelli plate
And lastly cream 
Masked to create a frame
Mask removed, second pull
Fun times :-) If you're new to my blog, click on the label GELLI PLATE PRINTING, below, and you'll see all of my Gelli experiments.

As an aside, I feel like I'm always saying "I got a great deal" when I show you a new purchase this year. I am being truthful, and it's all because of my year of being thrifty. If it's not a great deal, or I feel like "it" will maybe just sit in the cupboard with other supplies that I'm just not getting to use, I'm not buying.
Hope you have a fun weekend

1 comment:

  1. Love these prints and am so inspired to get my Gelli Plate out again!


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