Friday, November 22, 2013

Gelli printing on other papers

In previous posts I've shown you my printing play on packing tape, paper tapes, and deli paper. Thought I would show you a few other paper surfaces I've had fun printing on
Vellum or tracing paper - this is what I used
You can see through it - here's the same print laid on top of sheet music
and it produces a lovely effect when wrapped around a candle in a jar.
Print on acetate for even more see-through effect
Above photographed on carpet, and below photographed on sheet music
Tissue paper produces delicate effects
Print over cardstock that has a collaged base for more going on in the background

Use metallic and iridescent or interference paints over black card
Print on old book pages - I love to see text in the background
or as an element to show through a mask
Make tags and journal cards
Decorate library cards and pockets
And of course print to make co-ordinating cards and envelopes
- there'll be more on this as I do my Christmas cards.
Hope you've seen something there to get your creative ideas going. Have a happy weekend :-)


  1. Tracing paper! Now why didn't I think of that? Well, now I do and I will try it. Thanks for sharing your experiments.

  2. Your candle holder is a gorgeous idea!

  3. Lynette your gelli papers are fantastic, love all the different pattern you make, also love the candel holder.

  4. Ohhhh I'm loving your printing. Did you buy your plate here, or order it from the states?

  5. I was lucky enough to pick it up at last year's Craft & Quilt fair here in PNth from the Australian supplier whose stall I worked on. Doing it again next year (20-22nd feb 2014)so hopefully you can get one then. The smaller size is available here in NZ I think - let me know if you want me to give you contact details for either suppliers. My plate is a useful A4 size


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