Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Calendar journaling

Lots of Christmas ideas but nothing quite ready to show you least I am still doing my daily journaling. When I started my 7th spread earlier this month, I sprayed dylusions inks over tags used as masks and had this to start with
and this additional page from the wet inked tags which has become the starting point for this 10th spread.
I started by adding some of my gelli printed packing tape and still wasn't feeling inspired. My go-to idea is to add spray through a stencil. Because it's been such sunny weather here I added some yellow dylusions ink and liked the pages much more immediately. Left page has the ink sprayed through the stencil, and on the right I made a print by pressing the stencil down to clean the wet ink off.
On the bottom left you can also see a torn bit of newsprint where I'd cleaned a  stencil from a previous session. It now becomes an extra collage element on the page. I had tag shapes printed on the page, but also was able to add a tag coloured from that original session to give more variety.
The right page continues in the same style. I've enjoyed using different pens and have been glad to discover this lovely new white Sakura Gelly Roll pen as an alternative to my uniball signo.
Loving the mix of grungy spray background, tapes and rub-ons. Click on any photo to see it larger.
The tape measure is just to disguise some of what I've written! And here's spread 10 complete.
You can see my other calendar journaling pages in my Flickr set.


  1. I love the tags Lynette and spread 10! You sure know how to persevere. Work is in the end-of-year silly season so I'll be glad to stat playing in a couple of weeks time!!!

  2. Love these tags. Beautiful work again Lynette.
    lovely greet


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