Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Seasonal tweak of the 'to do' list

Christmas is just around the corner and all my good intentions for finishing a few of my larger projects are going to have to be postponed until 2014. It's very liberating to say that fabric collage workshop 
and that quilting and a few other things can be put aside until next year....Alongside lots of summer sports watching and general fun-in-the-sun happy times, I'm going to continue with my calendar journaling and I'm hopeful I'll get to these projects before the end of 2013 :
I would like to make some time for using my stash of gold art supplies and have a go at Joanne Sharpe's FREE online class called Five Golden Letterings which she created last year and I just didn't get to.
Maybe I'll be able to include some of the techniques from her Free Strathmore workshop with Jane LaFazio as well.
I'm also toying with the idea of Ali Edwards' December Daily project. I made a Christmas journal in 2009 which I loved - you can see some of it HERE. Need to be creating the album now and I'm thinking of doing an altered book. This seems a likely candidate
- I love the colour, already have some lovely sari ribbon for ties, and the original book title looks like it is meant to have a new life :-) This would take the place of my calendar journaling for December, so would be manageable if I get the journal base done this month. I'll keep you posted...
And this online class is something I am quite tempted by but realistically probably don't have the time...It has some great teachers :
Go HERE for class info
Starts Tuesday Nov 19th
I'm also hoping to make some Christmas cards, and you can be sure I'm already starting my project list for 2014 :-)
What's on your 'to do' list for the rest of 2013?

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