Monday, November 11, 2013

Calendar journaling

Haven't been neglecting my calendar journaling, but not been writing as much so the spread has taken a little longer to fill. Decided to do black and white this time.
The base was black acrylic paint. Below you can see 3 marks from one use of the stencil. 1 Left : sponged white acrylic paint through the stencil - 2 Middle : turned the stencil over and brayered the back to transfer the wet paint left on the stencil - 3 Right : turned the stencil back over and used a wet wipe to clean the remaining paint off the stencil by pulling it back through onto the page.
And I love this new mask from Spotlight.
Various tapes, some white rub-ons, and this is how my 8th spread finished up. Click on the photo to see it larger.
You can see my other calendar journaling spreads in my Flickr set.

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