Saturday, November 9, 2013

Gelli printed tapes Part 2

I loved the gelli printed masking tape that I shared in the previous post so much that I had another go, and this time I took photos of every step :-)
torn paper was used as a  mask to keep some areas clear
wooden block stamp used to remove paint
Adding paint this time with wooden block stamp, bubble wrap and stencil
More found tools for printing.
Top = 1/2 an old cricket ball for circular stamps
middle = inside of receipt roll
The plate above resulted in these tapes
I realised when I pulled the tape off that I could have made a plate with much more variation of colour across the aha moment for next time.  Love seeing it alongside what I did the day before.
GO HERE for Gelli Arts full instructions. Next I experimented with white printed washi and plain micropore tape. That's for the next post.


  1. Very cool! I saw the tutorial for this on youtube and I love what you did with it.

  2. I love that. i really appreciate your work.

    Printed tapes

  3. These look fantastic! Must get my gelli plate out! Right now, LOL!


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