Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gelli printed tapes Part 3

Loved the gelli printing on packing tape that I've shared HERE. Next I experimented with white printed washi and plain micropore tape (I've printed on micropore tape before HERE and HERE). I stuck the tapes to freezer paper (could have been baking paper - you just need something you are able to peel it off later) and proceeded to print as normal on the gelli plate
I thought I made a mess at first - there's A LOT going on
but when they're put down separately on a clean sheet of baking paper I quite like them (base tapes beside the printed strips)
Don't judge your experimental work too harshly.
I really liked the effect on the printed washi tape, so made just a little more in Christmassy colours

Still lots more to share from my gelli print play day so hope I see you back here soon.


  1. These worked out well!

  2. I am really impressed with printed tapes. We can do much more than that with this awesome tapes. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.