Friday, October 26, 2012

For Now

I'm taking a blogging break for a month....If you're interested in my reasons, keep reading. I'll see you at the end of November.

I've been feeling frustrated lately. I've been doing creative things, but not enough...and not much that I feel is worth blogging about.
I may just be feeling overwhelmed by all my ideas and unfinished projects. It's not the first time I've been in this place, but I don't like it.
I'm stuck on what to do next with this page
I want to finish this quilt
Half the quilt blocks on the design wall
and start journalling in this
and make some more pieces to add to this
and make more progress on this (which was going to be my "Creating a book a month" for October)
I know I need to spend less time on the computer looking at what others are doing instead of creating things myself, and being tempted by more new things like Alisa Burke's new online holiday class when I've already got so many unfinished workshops!
So I've decided to take a break from blogging for a month, and spend more time in my studio and less on the computer.
It'll give me a chance to focus on finishing a couple of things without feeling like I have to have something regular to blog about. And then I'll think about the way forward. I just can't think of any projects I want to give up
Journal page created Nov 2009
Anyway - I didn't want to just disappear and leave you wondering about where I've gone. So I'll see you back here in a month, and let you know my progress. 
Feb 2011
Have fun - I'll still call by your blogs occasionally to see what you're up to :-)


  1. You have so many wonderful projects there! I totally understand why you're taking a break - I've done the same myself. Enjoy your month - see you soon.

  2. All I can say is "Ditto" - too much to do, too much looking and not enough doing. I didn't even realise what I was doing was taking a break until just now. I think I'll make a post about it so people don't think I've dropped off the edge of the planet!

  3. you've got ALOT on the go - be kind to yourself - reclaim some space and see what happens .... good on you! P xx

  4. Wow I'm feeling like that at the moment too. May be I need a break as well. Good on you for taking time to focus on your art!

  5. We'll miss you but I totally understand your frustration, those unfinished lurkers can get to you after a while. I wish you a happy creative month and stay off the compi!! Mx (ps I'd put some of that lovely lettering of yours on the pages..)

  6. Hi Lyn - I'm going with you on this one but have already almost given up adding to my blog! So I'm going stop going online so much and really 'pare down' who I look at - at the moment I just add more to my list all the time - so afraid to 'miss something' which is ridiculous. I will come back at the end of Nov though as enjoy your work and the eclectic mix very much - reminds me of me :-)) Best wishes

  7. Enjoy your break, I soooo know how you feel,
    I am sure you will get many of those projects done and dusted!

  8. It seems you're not alone! Baby steps, one thing at a time, just for a bit ;)

  9. I hope you're having a lovely blog break my dear, you deserve it. And one can see that you've plenty of projects to keep you busy. Enjoy!

  10. Wondering when you'll be back. I know how you feel...but you DO inspire me and so I look forward to your return. Have fun creating!

  11. Enyou your month of freedom ;o))
    Love from ♥RINI♥


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