Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hello again

The time out from blogging was just what I needed. I appreciate so much all those people who left supportive comments about my month off.
First page inside my first Full Tilt Boogie journal
I've made progress on some projects, and pared down my to-do list. I'm also enjoying spending less time on the computer.
Sari Ribbon Slow Cloth completed May 2012.
Finally mounted on stretched canvas and hung on the wall.
Read more about this piece HERE
Unfortunately one of the low-lights over this time has been a continuing increase in spam comments. When I reached 20 spam comments in the space of one day, I had to add the word verification step. I hope this doesn't put you off leaving comments for me in the future.
Another page begun in Full Tilt Boogie Journal.
Love how the glued serviette dries transparent so the old writing shows through.
I'll start sharing properly what I've been up to from next week, but in the meantime thought I'd share a couple of local outings I'm hoping to make in the spirit of Christmas shopping....first stop next Friday at the alt.shift.craft fair :
Then the Craft Country Fair is in Greytown Saturday 15th December - click on the link to see some of the gorgeous exhibitors from last year.
And if you're in Wellington you might like to do some arty shopping
I know I don't NEED to take anymore classes BUT I'm seriously considering getting a Ticket to Venice with Mary Ann Moss - start date 15 December
Class details HERE
Will let you know if I fall for it! Talk to you again soon.


  1. I'm so happy to see you back Lynette. I've been spending less time on the I think I told you. I have the baby in the mornings and most days my 5 year old GD in the afternoon and SOMEthing had to give. They'll be in the States until Christmas starting next week, so I imagine I'll have time to do anything I want! Your art is always inspirational to me so I'm happy to see what you're up to. I love the page with the napkin over the writing. Awesome.

  2. Good to see you back - the sarir ribbon piece is beautiful and great to some some journal pages - I have succumbed already to Ticket to Venice!

  3. Welcome back to Blogland, we've missed you! Lovely to have a sneak peek at what you've been up to, I would go to the craft fair in a shot if I was there.
    I joined Ticket to Venice last night, totally mad time of the year to be doing this kind of thing but i couldn't resist!Mx

  4. I'm glad to see you back too Lynette. And thanks for the update of what's happening around the place . . . we must catch up soon.

  5. It is so niice to see you back Lynette and see your work. Really marvelous.
    lovely greet

  6. Dear Lynette, so good to see you here again , your journal pages are fantastic and your Slow cloth is so wonderful with all the embroidery, love the colors.

  7. welcome back Lynette!! Been looking at "Ticket to Venice" too.. hmmm

  8. Welcome back Lynette. Good to see you again. On to more blogging and more creative fun. Love your projects!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.