Friday, October 19, 2012

Stitching, reading, watching...

This week I've been stitching again.
Making progress on some quilts
and preparing an altered book with stitched edges.
And I have to show you the result of my request for a "simple" frame for my fabric house which my father-in-law constructed.
He even matched the position of the windows & door!
I'm getting very inspired by Frances Pickering's new book which arrived this week
Highly recommended...just as beautiful as her first publication so don't hesitate if you've been considering purchasing.
And finished reading this novel :
Find out more at amazon
- great strong female characters and absorbing, fact-based, story.
Enjoying watching this series on DVD with Craig
and so glad the new series of this has started up again on TV
If you are in New Zealand - happy long weekend. Hope you get some creative time wherever you may be.


  1. WOOOW Lynette what a creativity.
    Your quilts are so awesome, gorgeous work. Also your other creations. Marvelous.
    Lovely greet

  2. Lovely post, awesome timber frame! Such a great idea to stitch the edges of your pages, lovely effect. Mx

  3. Lovely work here. I got Frances Pickering's book at the knitting & Stitching show! Wonderful, her work just jusmps off the pages - hopefully putting ideas into my hands ;)

  4. Love the fabric at number two image, the colors are wonderful and that will your quilt also be when it is finished, great idea with the wooden house.

  5. I really like your quilting and fabric house. And as for the wooden frame..... its so lovely it seems a shame to cover it!
    I also have both of Frances's books (signed from the FoQ)...they are wonderful!


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