Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lettering, Reading, Liking

You need to keep your eyes open to different sources of inspiration wherever you may be. I've been enjoying Joanne Sharpe's Letter Love course, and recently found a couple of alphabets to add to my collection. The first was in a birthday card....just took the style of the lettering for the words Happy Birthday and this is what I got for my alphabet:
Sam loves this book
and the font of our copy is lovely (I won't link to the amazon copy because their version is different). Spent an evening looking through the different letters and have this alphabet in my Letter Love Journal for reference now
Enjoy seeing what Becky Goldsmith (of Piece O' Cake Designs) has been doing lately with doors - she is having a class in Italy in 2014 entitled Open a Door and has started making door blocks and showing them on her blog. This is her latest entry. And she has a fabulous gathering of photos of mostly italian doors on this pinterest page. The colours and textures are divine.
Did you know that Dina Wakley now has her online classes available on her site - here.
And some recent good reads ::
Sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover ;-)
Happy weekend everyone


  1. Your lettering journal is lovely. I used to doodle and draw all the time and would like to start again but hard to get those creative juices flowing sometimes. The covers of those books are so lovely. I have a thing for doors -- must go visit Becky's blog. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  2. I've been wanting to practice my 'letters' for - oh - about a year or two now...and your post has me excited because I do believe this is what I'll do while on vacation later this month! Easy peasy to bring a journal and a few pens/markers. Your letters are awesome. And...thanks for the links.

  3. Fab lettering, really nice, especially the first one!
    Becky's site is so pretty, are you coming to Italy then?? Mx

  4. I love your lettering and visiting your blog is a joy. Beautiful banner and title too.


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