Thursday, September 20, 2012

Learning to Boogie

I've admired Mary Ann Moss's work for a long time. You might remember the Paris Journal I made for a friend which was inspired by Mary Ann's Remains of the Day journals on her blog.
Paris Journal made by me for a friend - August 2010
She has a special summer sale offer on Full Tilt Boogie and I thought it would be the perfect way to brighten my winter. Her paris travel journal was done in this style.
by Mary Ann Moss
So I signed up, and watched her online videos with interest and smiles - she is such a great teacher and has a lovely style of presentation that is unique.
Then I began the gathering....and then I got sidetracked with the quilt show...and now this is going to be the perfect way to brighten my spring!
I've watched even more of her videos and got all enthusiastic about her free style of journalling and had to buy these
Buy yours here
This past week I've decided on the base for my covers for my first journal
and gathered my papers
and made some signatures
I've even done a test binding
and feeling happy about how the covers are developing
Back cover progress
Front cover progress
So excited to show you the next steps. I'm hoping this will be finished by the end of next week so I can add it to my list of Creating a Book a Month


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, did I say it was gorgeous already? ;-) I love Mary Ann. Her blog is probably one of my most favorite ones to visit. I took the ROD class and so want to take FTB, but I just need to find some more time. There's so many classes I want to take online. Sigh.

  2. As you Lynette I also love Mary Ann's classes, I took the ROD class, and made en journal, I have not yet started on Full Tilt Boogie only seen some of the videos, what you have done until now are so wonderful.

  3. This is fabulous and I can't wait to see it finished. I read Mary Ann's blog and have thought about taking her class...Full Tilt Boogie. I think you tipped the scale for me.

  4. Great work Lynette! I too love Mary Ann's creations, and one day I too hope to take her on line class (I need more creative time!!!)


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