Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Quilt banners and other quilts

Remember my quilt banner from last month? Promised I would show you what it looked like hanging together with others made by club members for the show (mine is the purple one below)
In the end we had 65 hanging in a lovely wave of colour. You can click on the pictures to get a closer view...
Our club has a public show of quilts every 2 years where club members exhibit what they've made in that time.
Unfortunately the 3 quilts I've made have been given away....thought you might like to see them again :
Wedding Quilt - December 2011
Pukeko - March 2012
Butterfly Quilt - April 2012
There was one I made that was on display without my name -- we made a series of these some years back reminding the public not to touch the quilts :
The statue was an image transfer.
Got a few ideas lining up as contenders for my next quilting project. I'd really like to have this one ready for our next show...
Currently on my design wall


  1. Those banners look so gorgeous together. I'm thinking a banner or a bookmark or something like that might be a nice little project for me that I could actually finish...maybe...;-)

  2. Beautiful banners and quilts. Very awesome.
    Lovely greet

  3. They look fabulous all hanging there together - especially the purple one!

  4. They look great hanging together. The whole exhibit looks wonderful actually. I think it's 3 happy people that have your quilts. They're all awesome and I look forward to seeing the new one come together. Hope it doesn't take you 2 years!

  5. How wonderful to see this project complete, the banners look amazing together, gosh you gals are talented! really fab work! Mx

  6. I have enjoyed looking at your site.Especially loved the little houses on the blog before this one.


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