Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Giveaway Winner

Thanks to everyone who left a comment for my giveaway
To find the winner, I printed out your comments and cut them up
They went in a bowl and I got an unbiased assistant to help me with drawing the winning name
And the winner is Marja - congratulations :-)
I'm sending Marja an email so you can send me your postal details & I'll send it off.
Marja always leaves lovely comments and has 2 inspiring blogs of her own - I especially love her Creativity blog with lots of Art Journalling inspiration. Hopefully she'll share what she does with this tape journal.


  1. Hi Lynette what a big big surprise. I am the winner of your giveaway. Fantastic. I am so glad with it. Now I can really see how you have made this beauty one. Thanks a lot. I look forward tot receive the book.
    Warm and lovely greet

  2. Congrats to the winner! Wish it was me ;-)

  3. Thanks for a great giveaway and congratulations to Marja!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.