Sunday, July 29, 2012

An Inspiring Week

Hi everyone - have had a good week of inspiration so thought I'd share it with you :-)
First up was our Rose City Quilter's birthday meeting on Monday with Gloria Loughman as our guest speaker. She is a very talented quilter from Australia and she spoke to us about her landscape quilts and her process for making decisions about design, colour choice and construction along the way. Check out some of her quilts in the gallery here. And this Youtube video shows her talking about her work in 2007.

She has written a couple of books and I own her second. It is fabulous.
Have a peek inside via Amazon
She also has a new publication due out early next year which I might just have to purchase. It will have this quilt on the cover which is just divine in person (well it's pretty divine in the photo too!)
Fern Pool by Gloria Loughman
Then on Thursday it was time for another play day. I did an experimental course with Sandra Meech in 2009 and 3 of us dug out the transfer paints again for another try.
First we painted onto paper - here they all are drying.
Then we tried ironing some of the papers onto different fabrics. The colours look completely different once they've been transferred.
Above the dark red on the left is the paper, next to the transferred more pinky colour on some satiny fabric. And the dark green paper looks lovely transferred to the lutradur which shows lilac and soft green.
I really like the transformation of the above ribbon - originally white velvet.
Fabric left, paper right
I think if you were going to use transfer paints regularly, you'd have to make some colour charts!
The above combination shows the dark paper, with lovely transfers to pelmet vilene left, lutradur below, and sateen to the right.
Rock salt is always fun to try on wet media too....
The other bonus is that at the end of all the transferring you're left with lovely papers as well as the fabrics when you're done.
It was a fun day. Sandra's blog is worth a look for gorgeous photos and sketchbook inspiration. She has published 4 books (her most recent this month) which explore  inspiration, quilt design and workshop methods.
I'm stitching some more 6 inch blocks for the banner so will share more of that during the coming week.
Don't forget to leave a comment for my Giveaway before the end of July. 


  1. I like Gloria's work and own both of her books. Playing with transfer paints certainly looked liked fun. I painted an A4 sheet with 1" squares of each colour and then transferred that onto a piece of fabric to use as a colour chart.

  2. Wonderful the work of Gloria. Beautiful quilts she made. Your transfers looked great. It is a difficult technique so I think.
    All really gorgeous
    Lovely greet

  3. Even more fun! I love the effect of the rock salt - it's like magic.

    Thanks for the links - fabulous work!

  4. Ooh naughty putting those books on here. Had a peek inside the first one an I would love it, but apart from the fact I'm tryiing not to buy too much for a while it would also mean me sitting reading about wonderful stuff to create rather than getting on and DOING it!
    Those papers are fab.
    Anne x

  5. This looks a very interesting technique - thank you for sharing it with us.

    lutradur heat distressing


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