Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hi everyone -- I've always thought it would be nice to do a giveaway but somehow just never got around to it. I started my blog 2 years ago this month, on the 13th of July, but that date was in our winter school holidays so just escaped I am ready to celebrate 2 years of enjoying blogging and all your visits and lovely comments.
I had so much fun making my taped book which I shared with you yesterday, that I went ahead and made another...and you could win it!
The cover of the giveaway journal is 5 3/4 inches high x 7 1/2 inches wide and it has various size pages taped inside.
I have added another slideshow at the bottom if you want to see details of the pages.
Leave a comment on this post before the end of July and I will do a draw and announce the winner next Wednesday : 1st August NZ time.
Good luck - hope you like it enough to enter! ;-)


  1. Ooh, I love handmade books, so count me in! Thanks for your generosity.

  2. Well, if you are including 'foreign' addresses, I'd like to enter, but even if you can't (for cost reasons) I love it and think I might give it a try myself!

    I'm thinking it is less daunting facing a smaller, square page to background than the large rectangular pages I'm using. I love the stencilling...must look out the stencils I've got...they're in there somewhere!

  3. WOOOW Lynette I want to win this lovely and beautiful book of yours. i love it. And want to learn to make someone.
    Lovely greet

  4. Have been following your blog since finding your website via Dale's Holey Moley course. Love the work you do and this book is lovely - would love to own it. Please enter me in your anniversary giveaway.
    Jean (Auckland)

  5. you have been doing some amazing stuff of late, go girl!!!

  6. They're both lovely so I'll have a go!

  7. Fabulous!!
    Count me in please!

  8. Have just discovered your blog - and loving those journals!
    Congratualtions on 2 years!

  9. so inspiring - I want to make tape books too :-) P xx

  10. Well you've been having a lot of fun haven't you? The papers look fabulous - I love the colour palette.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.