Friday, August 3, 2012

Focus for August

Our Palmerston North quilt club (Rose City Quilters) is having our biennial quilt show early in September - click on the poster to read the fine print :-)
There are a couple of challenges available for club members to enter - a fabric house challenge, and a quilt challenge to celebrate our club 30th anniversary. I'm attempting to do both of these (a little last minute!) so won't be able to share much of what I'm working on with you until the show happens.
So - this is to let you know that I will be blogging less frequently in August while I try to stay off the computer and do lots of stitching.
I will still be able to show you my progress with the quilt banner - I showed you the original 5 blocks here. And I've finished the other 3. Here they are photographed in the pairs of techniques (click on any photo to see more detail)
Fabric Manipulation
Machine and Hand stitching/quilting
The one on the left above doesn't quite live up to its name yet! It is a design stamped with acrylic paint which will showcase machine stitching. I made some hand-stitched feathers for Jude Hill's project last year and thought it would be nice to have one of my own.
Next step is to join them all together vertically and quilt the banner. Will share more when I can.
Happy August. Only 1 more month until Spring officially arrives in NZ :-)
In my Garden this morning


  1. This is awesome work and I think very special to do. But beautiful patrons and colors. marvelous.
    Lovely greet Lynette and a nice weekend

  2. The handstitched feather is amazing! So beautiful!

  3. I'm thinking you are going to be such a busy girl!!

    Do you want to meet for lunch at Tomato one day this coming week? x

  4. Beautiful quilt blocks, love the colors and the handstitched feather.


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