Friday, May 4, 2012

Velvet Night Garden

Finished my velvet piece in time to show at our Tote & Gloat show tomorrow. Click on any photo to see more details.
Have a look at how this project started here, then I added foils here, so began the next stage with this
Since last time I have just added some black misty fuse with a few wee stars and bronze glitter to add to the night sky feel.
Next step was to audition different colours of organza overlays. Amazing what different looks they give to the piece.
Cerise Pink
Lime Green
Comparing silver and black
I think Angie often uses black, but my choice was the silver in the end - I like the sparkle...and so to stitch.
I stitched with metallic threads mainly in the bobbin. If you outline quilt in black first from the top, you can easily see where you are going from the back. Of course there is still an element of surprise when you turn it over.
Last step was to trim the organza away from the background. This the finished piece before being framed.
Hope you have a fun weekend.


  1. That is just beautiful. I love the glimmery effect of it. Good luck on the show!

  2. Stunning work Lynette, I have the video of Angie's (I've seen her IRL too! hehe) I've added you to the blogs I follow now 'cos I love textiley stuff. Love your journal pages below, particularly love the colours for May.
    You may be interested in some videos on YouTube by a company called Colouricious - Angie's video was produced in conjuction with them
    Anne x

  3. My goodness Lynette - it's simply stunning!
    Love the idea of a Tote and Gloat meet!

  4. OMGoodness! This turned out fabulous! I would really like to try this technique and it's going to the top of my list!!! I'm so glad you got it done and showed it off. I couldn't get the pictures to enlarge when I clicked on them but that happened earlier today so I think it's a problem on my end. I'll try again after I reboot. Congrats on such a wonderful piece. Your friends are gonna go crazy over it!


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