Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Calendar challenge : April/May

The warm autumn colours of my April base turned out to be appropriate for the wonderful indian summer weather we've had this past month
I managed to keep up with filling in the days, but have been concentrating on stitchy projects this month, so it finished without many other changes.
For May, I turned to my new acquisition of Dylusions sprays. As I'm sure most of you know, they are wonderfully bright colours, and are making me so happy.
I'm even saving the paper towels from my experiments for later use ;-)
I had been really inspired by this Youtube video of a ghosting technique by Dylan Reaveley (creator of Dylusions)

I sprayed some gorgeous colours on my ordinary journal paper and had a go, but the ghosting didn't work as well as I'd hoped....I think it looks better in the photo than in real life actually.
I had been hoping for more regular spaces to write in. I wasn't sure if the sprays had soaked into my paper too much, so I gessoed my pages first
Liked that different look, and then tried again with the water.
Liking this as a background, including the happy accident that I hadn't cleaned the stencil first so when I tipped it over I got this lovely gold glisten transferred over on the right hand page.
I'm consumed with trying to finish a couple of stitching projects before an exhibition on Saturday, so here's what I've managed for my base page for May. I cut the letters and journal squares from the paper of the original trial. Imagine they are glued down!!
Come back 1st June to see how this page ends up. See other pages at the kathryn wheel, or check out our flickr group.
And I know I always say this, but Geninne's art for your desktop this month is especially lovely
Happy May


  1. i really should try to get my hands on some of those inks as i'd love to play around like you have! thanks for sharing, it gave me a peek of how fun they really are! i'll be back to see the finished pages :)

  2. Love the bacground. Great May pages.

  3. Gorgeous pages Lynette! The ghosting looks great - I find that if I wait a little longer for the water to react with the ink I get a better result :D

  4. great pages, i love the ghosting technique.

  5. I love the Dylusions sprays too and I really liked your first lot of 'ghosting' it was a beautiful effect. Glad you still used it in your project and are pleased with your wonderful results :)

  6. Great pages! I have some Dylusion stamps and stencils (got more in the mail today -woohoo!)but do not (yet) own any of the the ghosting technique too.

  7. Love those wonderful colours, sooner or later I must have some of those sprays, too! Have a good month, Valerie

  8. Fab pages! I love using that ghosting technique and say the same as Sandra-if you leave the water on a little longer it makes all the difference! x

  9. Beautiful pages. I love the color washes, and how vibrant they are.

  10. Love your pages! Thanks for sharing that video, too. I was lucky to have classes recently with Dyan but my mind is spinning with all we can do with the sprays and I appreciated the ghosting reminder.

  11. Gorgeous pages. The Dylusions inks are fab aren't they?
    I find that the ghosting technique works better on some papers than others. Sorry it's taken me so long to get round this month, but finally I am here! Well done for keeping up so far :-)


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