Monday, May 7, 2012

Tote and Gloat

On Saturday our local Quilt Club (Rose City Quilters) had its annual show and tell event. There is a big morning session of showing quilts which are then displayed, and we have a guest speaker, shops and guest exhibitors.
This year my friend Katherine and I were asked to exhibit some of our mixed media fibre art. This is what our display looked like.
There's always plenty of inspiration to be had at these shows. There's  a quilt challenge set for club members....remember this piece of floral fabric when I showed you round my studio?
Unfortunately it hung on my design wall for inspiration but never got made into anything...others made lovely quilts with it. These are my 4 fav ones.
by Anne Adams
by Sonja Revell
by Dianne Southey
by Caroline Noaro
So talented - you won't be surprised to learn that all of the above won prizes.
And of course I had to make a few wee purchases.
I'm looking for a new hand stitching project and am thinking these will be lovely together
I'm also keen on doing something Indian-inspired in the future, so these threads will be perfect.
Next time I'll show you my woven sari ribbon piece finally finished.


  1. Your display looked so wonderful - so many beautiful things that I wanted to make and try!
    Well done to you and Kathryn!

  2. Hi Lynette, thanks for your sweet comment on my book, the flowers are from a digi sheet with bottle caps, the fiber art you and your friend showed looks fantastic.

  3. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what you do with your purchases, they look lovely :-)
    Anne x

  4. Such fantastic work you have shown. Very creative
    x catherine

  5. such fun Lynette, your display looks fabulous, well done you!
    Shall be waiting to see what you do with your sari pieces...


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