Saturday, March 10, 2012

List Catch-up

More from 30 Days of Lists :: Base pages, followed by completed lists. Click on any list to see it more clearly.
Base page 6
List 6 : Things to collect
Base page 7
List 7 : I am inspired by
Base page 8
List 8 : I need to say no to....
Love adding colours to many of my base pages, but also enjoying challenging myself to stay {mainly} to black and white on others.
Base page 9

List 9 : Happy Places
Hope you're finding yourself in a happy place this weekend.


  1. I love all your pages, they look so great plain and art journalled on!! Your lists are great, love your inspired by one! Am also loving the cherry washi tape!! x

  2. AWESOME Lynette! superb journal of lists, it's all looks so good. You've used some inspired backgrounds too, the crossword is bril, love it all! Mx

  3. Your pages look so fantastic and love all the lettering
    x catherine

  4. Just have to say that one of my happy places is when I'm being inspired by your blog! xx


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