Monday, March 12, 2012

Things to share

Hope you had a nice weekend...I made some good progress in the garden, and on some stitching....
I really enjoy free motion quilting
Will share the rest of this quilt when I deliver it later this week
Yesterday's list prompt was "Today was awesome because..." This was the base page
I had been wanting to use paint chips for a while, so decided on sunny colours since it was a sunny day.
I wouldn't normally have classed the day as awesome, but the prompt made me think of all the things about it that were actually pretty great. I have a lovely life.
Couple of blog loves to start your week :
I admire Jane LaFazio's work - especially her stitched pieces. I believe her latest piece is one of her absolute finest -- check it out here : Stitch Ritual.
Seth Apter's blog is The Altered Page. He has just published a book :
Click here for a sneak peek inside via Amazon
The book looks like a must have for anyone with an interest in mixed media. As well as the sneak peek at amazon, Seth is also featuring artists from the book all this month at his blog. Well worth checking out - I'm making new discoveries as well as being happy to see familiar faces.
Talk to you again soon

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for spreading the word about the book Lynette. It is greatly appreciated.


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