Friday, March 9, 2012

Sharing Alisa Burke

The incredibly talented Alisa Burke never fails to inspire me with her original work and her regular postings on her blog.
She's also an author ::
Click here for a sneak peek inside via Amazon
Click here for a sneak peek inside via Amazon
In case you don't follow her, I thought I would share one of her most recent posts : My Gift to You - she has created a FREE mini online class sharing her philosophy and process for finding your muse....getting inspired by the world around you, instead of relying on all things online.
Her words :: "My hope is that you will find inspiration to get off the computer (once in a while) look closely at the world around you, find joy and beauty in your life and set out to seek your own Muse."
It's defnitely worth checking out
Hope you have a lovely weekend, with some time to create


  1. fab! I've just been preparing a post about her tutorial too! linda sent our group her link last week, I loved it and she inspired me to get out the door with my camera! surprising what you find when you look! Mx

  2. Will need to check that out thanks.


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