Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Card A Day

Hi there - have been inspired lately by Daisy Yellow's Index-Card-A-Day project. If you go to that link you'll see that she has been giving prompts and showing her art. Hanna also created some lovely index cards - this is her first post about them. I like the idea of creating art every day but has seemed like a big ask. This format seems more manageable, and since I need to create some more cards anyway, I thought I would modify this project for me and do a card a day for this month. By the end I'll have 31 to use, and if it goes well I might even continue into November and create a Xmas card a day!...but perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself ;-)
I have started this weekend so can share my first 2 :
The first is spraying through doilies like I did here and here.
This second card uses the doilie that was sprayed through and the daisies are the left-overs from my September calendar project.
This isn't going to be an expensive project : the cards are made from 2 pads of cardstock from the $2 shop, and I'm enjoying using my scraps to create something lovely and useful. 
Will continue to make a card a day, and will show them to you every few days between other projects.
Here's some more blog love to start your week -
Caatje posted part 3 of her easy peasy art journalling - this part is about writing. How your writing can look on the page - some useful prompts of what you can write about - and some further resources for you to explore. All illustrated with examples of her own pages. Check it out - I found a few new ideas there.
Jackie at Dog-Daisy-Chains has been creating some lovely stitched pumpkins
Check out Dina's lovely beeswax collage and tags
See you again soon

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link Lynette. I love your inspired work.


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