Monday, March 14, 2011

Flower Play

Been having fun gathering supplies for my Flower Power Class. The Holey Moley Club consists of 6 workshops each of 2 months duration, the first of these being "Flower Power".
I have been gathering papers - serviettes/dyed abaca tissue/book pages/sheet music/small tags - many of these I have sprayed (using Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists or sprays made with distress reinkers and perfect pearls as explained here) or painted in a pretty theme of pinks/purples and greens. Sometimes I want to be really girly since I live in a house of boys!These fabrics are in my colour-theme. I loved pulling them together although I have no idea where Dale is headed this month and they may not fit with the lessons.Sheers, scrim and ribbons in the theme.These are rose petals (fresh picked from my garden) laid onto chiffon with a layer of vliesofix between. Ironed together, the layers here are chiffon/vliesofix/petals/vliesofix/chiffon. Sheer and beautiful, but somewhat hard to photograph.If you try this make sure you have baking paper below all layers, as well as over the vliesofix layer you are ironing (the voice of experience - now off to buy a new ironing board cover. Forgot that the chiffon scarf is so sheer the sticky would go right through the back layer too!) Have also been spraying and painting vliesofix with watered down lumiere metallic paints. If you want a good video demo, have a look at this latest free DMTV show . Linda Kemshall demonstrates how to paint the fusible and then the lovely effects you can create with it. I have had fun with this before. Some of my painted vliesofix I am just preparing for (as yet unknown) future use...You can see the upper samples are just the painted fusible, while the gorgeous purple has been ironed to green, and the very low layer is fusible ironed to organza.In the example below I have ironed painted fusible to sheet music, then laid dried flowers on top, followed by another layer of fusible. Liking the sparkly effect that can be seen in real life.


  1. Love the photos of your gorgeous gatherings,and I laughed about your heads up re the ironing board cover! Look forward to seeing what you create from the fusibles!

  2. Your colours look great, Dale.
    thanks for having me onboard.


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