Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lovely Tyvek

Progress on both workshops to show today. First my tyvek piece from Mixed Media Melange - in progress here. Now finished and hanging in our entrance hall. I love it and will definitely repeat this exercise.
Special thanks to Carole who inspired me with thoughts of turning this into a Beryl Taylor-inspired piece (and a resulting sleepless night!!). I will definitely make another as a background for this purpose in the future.
You can also do lovely things with Tyvek and heat. For my Holey Moley class I have had fun making some Tyvek beads.
First paint both sides of your tyvek - I had 3 weights to try : left to right they are tyvek fabric, medium (envelope) weight, heavy duty (use it on a building site!)Cut strips of the painted tyvek and roll around a wooden skewer, securing it with rayon thread (because that won't melt). Then heat with your heat tool until you are satisfied with the lovely crusty effects. Examples of before and after.They melted only little differently so it is good to know I can use my freely-obtained heavy duty stuff for this.


  1. Hi Lynette - lovely to catch up last night and so glad I've managed to find you again on blogger :-)
    Oooo tyvek! Not the easiest stuff to work with, but always glorious results! Can't wait until you, me and Carol can get together and have some fun!! Anyway, here's my new blog url:

  2. Such wonderful colours that seem to melt and blend into each other in your ethereal art piece.


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