Friday, January 14, 2011

Looking back - Looking forward

2010 seems very far away in some ways. Thought I would try a mosaic of what I achieved creatively last year (you can create one for yourself from your flickr photos here )
And now I am thinking about what I want to create in 2011. I am thinking this year might be more fabric-focussed than last, but so far I only have 3 definite things on my must-do list
1. My lovely Gran turns 100 in February so I have to make something for her
2. I really want to make myself a needlecase
3. I want to complete my "Simply Delicious" applique quilt that is currently at the sashing stage
There is loads of inspiration out there if you go blog-hopping...
For embroidery stitches, I will be looking at the blogs of Sarah Whittle and some joggles guides
I got Kaffe Fassett's lovely Quilt Romance book as part of my Christmas present....this combined with Alissa's lovely quilt blog might inspire some quilts this year.
And although I am thinking mainly stitchy/fabricy things, I might just have to keep doing a bit of art journalling this year - inspired by iHanna's blog posts on journals here and here
Ro Bruhn is creating some gorgeous colourful pages
Both Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and Traci Bautista are hosting year-long art journalling inspirations
And I would love to try these new free ideas from the Kemshalls - Laura using photocopies as a base for sketchbook pages and you can still incorporate fabric & stitch with their applique bookwrap
AND - I am toying with the idea of participating in some challenges this promises I will do these, but you might like a look
Dress Up 2011
The Artful Bag Challenge
I have always admired Michelle Ward and her monthly Crusades
Think that is more than enough to be going on with!!


  1. Love your mosaic of your creative year - would also be fun to do as a journal page!

  2. I love the mosaic. Some beautiful creativity there. Sounds like you have plenty of ideas planned for 2011. I wish you well and look forward to all that you do.


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