Monday, January 17, 2011

Be Present

Have started stitching Gran's birthday present....I am trying to live in the moment - making the most of "now" opportunities - this post made me smile -the author is thinking similar thoughts to me. This year my mantra is to "BE PRESENT". To enjoy my kids while they are still young - to enjoy the sun - to take the opportunity to visit my friend even though I said I would clean the windows today....have you chosen a word or mantra for the year? Previous words of mine have been "Gratitude", "Patience" and "Action"
I have been adding layers to this journal page for a few days...the main image is a card "Pleasure" by Anahata Joy Katkin - love her work and happy with the way the page turned out.


  1. Thanks for another inspiring blogpost! I love the way you've layered your journal page and given the card such depth! And the blog link has had me reading and thinking, she has some cool ideas there!

  2. Beautiful page! (sorry I typed too fast and spelled it wrong in the first comment so I deleted to do it right! LOL!)

  3. I love your colours and a great image! really nice page! Mx


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