Thursday, October 14, 2010

Presents from Paris!

You remember that I made this journal for my friend who was going to holiday in Paris? She is home, and I finally caught up with her today over lunch. Here are some of those originally blank pages - now written on and glued onto, with envelopes stuffed full of tickets and memorabilia, and evidence of places visited and memories captured. She said she was glad of all the envelopes :-) It is so wonderful to see that it has been lovingly used, and will be enjoyed for a long time to come. And then she gave me some simply beautiful presents....I am so so lucky to have such a thoughtful friend, who really gets me and what I love :-)
First up - a sweet wee notebook. This is the cover.And this is the blog of the artist - Gaelle Boissonnard, and a flickr page of her art.
Next up, some beautiful cream perfume - I am wearing it now - it smells divine...and I should be able to use the lovely bag in some art ;-)And last (but definitely NOT least) - a lovely package of promisethat delivered some gorgeous whimsical earrings.....What a lucky girl I am.
Talk to you again soon.

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