Saturday, October 16, 2010

End of the week

It's the weekend -'s been a funny kind of week. Kids back at school, but Sam sick at home for the first 2 days. It takes a while to readjust to waking up at the right time after the hols, and then of course this morning (Saturday) they were all ready to get up before 7am....I can never understand that!
Yesterday a budAnd today it's open - my first rose of the seasonI attached some words to a 3 of my blank cards this week and sent them off. These were for a birthday and a get well....I am always excited when the new issue of Quilting Arts Magazine arrives. This issue arrived in my mailbox yesterday....My heart speeds up and I have to have a flip through to see the delights in store for a more thorough reading. Although this issue doesn't have me racing off immediately to try something, I love that it has so much colour and new ideas. There is always something to feed my creativity - even if it is a new website discovered from an advert. I have almost every issue, and last year I revisited each one by always having one in my car door so that if I was stuck waiting unexpectedly I had something to flip through. It is amazing to me how I can look at an issue that I haven't seen for 6 months, and see something that I never saw before. It all depends on what project you are working on, or what is percolating in your head at the time....I think it might be time to do that again.
Blog love for you and me this weekend :
I'm sure you know the Papaya blog - gorgeous colours and lovely gifts
One of the contributors is the fabulous Anahata Katkin - check our her website gallery of art journals
Teresa Martin has some lovely collages currently available in her etsy shop. Have a look before they sell.
And I discovered a wonderful quilter this week : Malka Dubrawsky - take a look at her blog, and her gorgeously colourful quilts on Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Great list of blog links and websites, Lynette! And of course, I have you to thank to introducing me to Green Paper! That beautiful old rose is a treat to see and so to your collages!


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