Friday, August 20, 2010

Review of this week

Another busy week. More training at the library, and I got paid for the first time in 4 years!
These in my garden - more promises of spring. The magnolia will be magnificent. First tulip out.And looks like I will have some unusual colours too. So exciting to see - their first year.Charity quilt is completely quilted - only 1/2 the binding left to stitch on. Will share photo when done.
Completed the 4 signatures of my paper/stitch book. These just need to be stitched into this cover. I will be taking photos and showing the entire book next week.
Reading this non-fiction book - a lovely account of the pleasures of reading. It is reminding me of books I have read, books I want to read, and some nice mentions of libraries :-) I have started another list of what to read nextBlog love this week : Awesome slash and burn technique blogged about here by Joanne Thieme Huffman from a class she did with Ruth Rae.
Progress on DJ Pettitt's online class in this blog post
If you are interested in trying Art Journalling, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer has been posting a week of great techniques. First post here
BEAUTIFUL quilting here
Last Saturday of rugby for the boys...hoping the fields are open and the rain holds off! Have yourselves a lovely weekend.


  1. Thank you for the shout-out! I look forward to seeing the photos of your quilt, completed book and garden. - Joanne

  2. How lovely to see your first tulip, beautiful colour! I'm not sure what happened to mine this year, I got one stalk and nothing else, although my garden's been invaded by tomatoes so maybe that's got something to do with it! Margaret

  3. Hi Lynette
    Isn't it wonderful seeing the first signs of Spring - at last!
    Love how you direct us to your interesting finds in blogland!
    I'm a bookworm too - are you a librarian?
    My cousin in Palmy belongs to a good bookclub there and a lot that I read comes from her recommendations. I usually visit Bruce McKenzie Books when I'm there and try not to buy too many - ooh it's hard tho!

    Looking forward to the quilt!
    Take care


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